Establishing a coupled Indian Land Data Assimilation System (ILDAS) for identifying Hydrologic Extremes

Principal Investigator: Dr. Manabendra Saharia, IIT Delhi

ISRO Co-PIs: Dr. Rohit Pradhan (Space Application Center), and Dr. R. P. Singh (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing)

Project Funded By

Project Details

  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Manabendra Saharia (IIT Delhi)

  • Co-PIs: Dr. Sumedha Chakma (IIT Delhi) and Dr. Krishna AchutaRao (IIT Delhi)

  • ISRO Co-PIs: Dr. Rohit Pradhan (Space Application Center, ISRO), and Dr. R. P. Singh (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO)

  • Project Staff: Mr. Bhanu Magotra (PhD Candidate), Mr. Ved Prakash (PhD Candidate)

  • Funding Period: 2021-2024

  • Project Objectives:





  1. Develop the software modeling core and data architecture required for combined use of high-resolution observations and modeling tools,

  2. Produce high-quality long-term estimates over India of land surface conditions such as evapotranspiration, soil moisture, runoff, and streamflow by assimilating the best available global and local observations.

  3. Assess the utility of the system for its ability to estimate water discharge and identify hydrologic extremes such as floods and droughts.

Publications produced as a result of this research

  1. Kuntla, S.K., Saharia, M., Kirstetter, P., 2022. Global-scale characterization of streamflow extremes. Journal of Hydrology 615, 128668.
  2. Kuntla, S.K., Saharia, M., Prakash, S., Villarini, G., 2024. Precipitation inequality exacerbates streamflow inequality, but dams moderate it. Science of The Total Environment 912, 169098.
  3. Magotra, B., Prakash, V., Saharia, M., Getirana, A., Kumar, S., Pradhan, R., Dhanya, C.T., Rajagopalan, B., Singh, R.P., Pandey, A., Mohapatra, M., 2023. Towards an Indian Land Data Assimilation System (ILDAS): A coupled hydrologic-hydraulic system for water balance assessments. Journal of Hydrology 130604.
  4. Raj, R., Saharia, M., Chakma, S., 2023. Mapping soil erodibility over India. CATENA 230, 107271.
  5. Raj, R., Saharia, M., Chakma, S., Rafieinasab, A., 2022. Mapping rainfall erosivity over India using multiple precipitation datasets. CATENA 214, 106256.

Project Outcomes

  1. Rainfall Erosivity dataset transferred to ISRO VEDAS [2022]:

Project Outcome Summary

At the end of the project.